Wednesday, June 20, 2007

well, i didnt know this happens too...created a loooooooooooonnnggggggg post........posted it.......sumthin went zero...missd friends in meantime.........missd da rain too....n now freakin world wud not know abt my life at NID till i decide to have enuf patience for anothr attempt........grrrrrrrrrrrrr..........................


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

there's something about me...................

This is a relief from alllllll the stopid profiles, intros, "about me"s etc crap tht we see on orkut, interviews etc.......which matters as little as it here's an analysis of ME, well, BY me..........

first of all, i'm an well, few ppl know me...but no wait, its a concious effort....see, i make few friends but i intend to keep them for life( "wateva" u'd saybut really i do....) thts coz they go thru a long process of analysis...which we all do, but i'm more rigorous...............ya i'm soundin borin but wat the heck, its MY blog!!! so well, few but everlastin pals....

'stubborn' is wat thay'll soon christen me coz i'm well, stubborn to the osteocytes of my body(those are the bone cells btw)!!!!

stupidly stuck up in my affairs(love or othrwise...), i'm just a 'stuck'-up girl('pin-up' doesnt suit me)....with toooooooooooo deeeeeeeeepppppp mental processes tht take psychology PhDs by storm, gales, tornadoes...........

oki-doki lookin, i seem to have potential to b a goodlukin gal, but OBVIOUSLY, i wud go for the weirdo-turnin-mod-hopefully-in-future way!!! i'm too 'myself' for tht........newaz, movin on...........

well, i dont analyse much, but if i have more to say, i'll tell u...mind u, i talk a lot to my dear ones so dont mind

urs only,


days right now at NID

yes ppl, i'm an NIDian..n for those dumbasses who dont know wat the hell tht is, its the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabd, India...............well, we're a different type of elite considering thr's tremendous demand for designers..........but all the same, i've just joind n its soooooooo not my cuppa to b here...........

see, firstof all comes absolute unfamiliarity....they took away all my friends (wen they'r havin fun rite now)...put me in ahemdabd (ya u can take gal outta mumbai, cant take mumbai outta gal!! Especially b4 rains!!!!) me to stay in a shitty hostel(better than normal stndrds mayb, but shitty still).........and gave a curriculum tht i couldnt have dreamt of in my entire life.....

here's the deal...u'll say thts awesome isnt it? wat the hell are u whinin for???

well, nuthin familiar isnt fun at all, not even tolerabl

my friends, though few o them know it, are my LIFE, my everythin, my relief from everythin....well, taken away!!!

Take this down on paper, mumbai CANNOT b replaced by ANY damn sir!!! ya u mumbaiites will crib but wait till ur doomed sumwhr else....just wait n watch..........i'm here missin the freakin rains for cryin out loud!!!!

and of course the parents, those tht we take for granted just short of sayin gudmrnin....well, turns out tht after all said and done, noone can take better care of you...yes hen*,u can gloat, but u'll see..........missin u mum,dad,sis

and finally the stoooopid curriculum....see, the problem is, i can very well get into a good engg college, but i CHOSE, i feel i would rather study phys, fluid dynamics n stuff.........n since g* isnt here too, i dunno who to talk to abt this...dammit!!!!

all said n done, i alsohad a gud chance with NIFT whr i wud have the option of stayin in my city....but no, i took NID........well, but as dad says, i have to go out newayz sumday(not the marriage crap ppl, PG courses n jobs!!) might as well start now.........

but would ne1 listen to MEEEEEE??????????????

i dont want to be here, i want g, sharan*, hen,etc* (nt necessarily in tht order)...
i want to live with my parents so i can take them , SOME1 for granted....i want to go to sleep in MY bed, in MY room,in MY house, eat my mom's food
i want to go to mumbai netime i like, go to center1 after makin plans with my pals(most of whom get to stay in mumbai...), i want to helpout mom when its rainin outside n she finds difficulty in takin down clothes high up(ya i'm tall n all)
i want to b able to go to sharan's plc wenevr i want, i want to meet dag*'s dogs as n wen i like
i want to go to cbd wen it rains n play tht awesome song by Blue n sit with kaki talkin to her endlessly thr in the rain...
i want to go explorin in the city...i wanna talk to hen for the longest hours,
i want all tht i had earlier tht i never realised i got so hooked onto....i want my LIFE bak!!!!

now tht sounds like a cry baby doesnt it?? well insight ppl, i am stubborn !!!!!!!!!!

but life could be worse u know...thts wat i tell myself...worse hostel, dumb students,hardcore ragging, so-so college, thousands of miles away frm home...
at least i have guardians tht care a lot, mumbai is an overnight journey away, soon my grandparents will b in surat, which is 4hrs away...ahemdabad is a cool city,nt sum village(yes dag, u wanna visit?)...awesom library, tv, few ppl arnd to mess up my mind...goodlukin guys(just eyecandy ppl!!)n most importantly, my few but very caring friends...i'm never ever losin touch with all o u who call me up on 1 missd cal...luv ya all....
but still................................

i'm MISERABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

can sum1 help me?


only i can

n i'm doin a lame job...........

but hopefully i will come outta this, hope................


thts all i have..........
wish me luck n brains!!

*my school pals in mumbai